Family is everything! That’s what we think, and we are here to guide you through our portrait experience.

Professional portraiture celebrates you and the legacy you’re making every day. Images of you in your home will bring to life the love you share and your adventures together. Walking by it daily, you will feel overwhelming joy, love, and nostalgic purpose flowing through your veins. Our goal is to make those images more and more valuable to you every year that passes.

Printed professional imagery designed to coordinate with your home and style, all of a sudden, YOU are your art.

It is an investment so priceless that you will wonder how you could have ever lived without it. Significantly, when your little ones grow, change, and discover who they want to become before your eyes. Remembering those looks, smirks, and all the growth stages will make it seem like you want to keep a vise-like grip on the past. They grow too dang fast!

My family started here in Oregon but grew leaps and bounds in 1997. Mike and I fell in love one evening, 3,000 miles apart (more on that later), and continued to nurture that bond. 24 years later, we are still that “gross” couple who love deeply, have the utmost respect for one another, and work side by side on this thing we call life.

Our first family portraits!

While we captured other families’ portraits, guess who wasn’t practicing what she preached? Why did it take this long? Why didn’t I make it a priority? I forgot to slow down and absorb life’s special moments.

I didn’t take the time to slow down and enjoy my moments, and I want to save others from that regret. The fast-paced world we live in seems to pick up speed each day. It makes me panic when I think of everything I neglected to soak in and appreciate.

We’re here to help you not make the same mistake.

You heard right.  This image was our FIRST complete family portrait.

All about the photographer, Danyel


Honestly, I’m not sure I have a favorite place per say. Family trips wherever they may be will always be my favorite. It’s not the place it’s the company you share it with. Life experiences with the people I love are priceless.
I do love to get away by myself for a few days just me and the dogs. As an entrepreneur you’re always working. Decompressing is a must.

Breanna (Bre)

Honestly, I’m not sure I have a favorite place per say. Family trips wherever they may be will always be my favorite. It’s not the place it’s the company you share it with. Life experiences with the people I love are priceless.
I do love to get away by myself for a few days just me and the dogs. As an entrepreneur you’re always working. Decompressing is a must.

Taylor (T)

Honestly, I’m not sure I have a favorite place per say. Family trips wherever they may be will always be my favorite. It’s not the place it’s the company you share it with. Life experiences with the people I love are priceless.
I do love to get away by myself for a few days just me and the dogs. As an entrepreneur you’re always working. Decompressing is a must.

Teddy “Bear”

Honestly, I’m not sure I have a favorite place per say. Family trips wherever they may be will always be my favorite. It’s not the place it’s the company you share it with. Life experiences with the people I love are priceless.
I do love to get away by myself for a few days just me and the dogs. As an entrepreneur you’re always working. Decompressing is a must.

Ollie “Bear”

Honestly, I’m not sure I have a favorite place per say. Family trips wherever they may be will always be my favorite. It’s not the place it’s the company you share it with. Life experiences with the people I love are priceless.
I do love to get away by myself for a few days just me and the dogs. As an entrepreneur you’re always working. Decompressing is a must.

The economic crash of 2007 hit everyone hard. I worked in the housing industry which you can image was hit hard. They could no longer pay my salary, and was cut to PT.  I had to find a way to provide for my family. 
My career in Photography began shortly after that. I’m self taught, and more passionate now, more than ever, about creating custom legacy images for families to cherish.

STYLE?!  I’m not sure I have any, but if I had to pick my style would be yoga pants & a t-shirt. To elevate my look for more special occasions you can expect a complete glam look with pin-up curls, a flower in my hair, and red lipstick to complete the theme. That is when my hair length allows for it.

FAVORITES: If you asked me what my all time favorite thing is in life, without a doubt I’d say MY FAMILY. They are my world. They’re the reason I do what I do.

Ice Tea with a half of a Splenda packet. Generally I have the wait-staff bring me multiple glasses, because I drink them so fast.

You’ll win me over with a smooth Cabernet Sauvignon any day. Black Rabbit from McMenamins is my favorite. 

On a hot summer day a cold refreshing IPA does the trick.  We live in a microbrew hot spot.

My design style is crisp and clean. My home office is entirely white including all the furniture, with the exception of the pull-out couch.

If I had my way each room would be bright white with a small accent color.

Let’s Chat

I love talking with people about their stories. If nothing else, we can have a delightful conversation and see where it goes. There is no pressure, ever!